Featured Stories, MIT EAPS, MIT News, News | June 4, 2018
Meet the School of Science’s Tenured Professors for 2018
The School of Science has announced that six members of its faculty have been granted tenure by MIT.

By Bendta Schroeder | School of Science
This year’s newly tenured associate professors are:
Daniel Cziczo studies the interrelationship of atmospheric aerosol particles and cloud formation and its impact on the Earth’s climate system. Airborne particles can impact climate directly by absorbing or scattering solar and terrestrial radiation and indirectly by acting as the seeds on which cloud droplets and ice crystals form. Cziczo’s experiments include using small cloud chambers in the laboratory to mimic atmospheric conditions that lead to cloud formation and observing clouds in situ from remote mountaintop sites or through the use of research aircraft.
Cziczo earned a BS in aerospace engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992, and afterwards spent two years at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory performing spacecraft navigation. Cziczo earned a PhD in geophysical sciences in 1999 from the University of Chicago under the direction of John Abbatt. Following research appointments at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and then the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he directed the Atmospheric Measurement Laboratory, Cziczo joined the MIT faculty in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences in 2011. Cziczo is also a member of the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate (PAOC) within the department.
Other tenured professors include:
Matthew Evans, Anna Frebel and Aram Harrow from the Department of Physics; Adam Martin from the Department of Biology; and Kay Tye from the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
Read the full story at MIT News.